

发布时间:2017年3月24日 返回列表

泛学国际执行董事张德明(右三)带领榆林市副市长张泽辉(右四)一行参观Popular Bookstore


榆林市副市长张泽辉领队的代表团,在泛学国际的陪同介绍下,参观了位于雪兰莪州(马来西亚州名)双威金字塔购物中心最主要的亚洲零售连锁店大众书店Popular Bookstore (官方网站 www.popularworld.com)。大众书局控股有限公司高级经理向代表们表达了热烈的欢迎,并介绍了马来西亚及其辐射地区的出版、发行商业环境。在随后的会议中,多方就亚洲发行渠道,对凭借一带一路战略,使中国内容走向海外市场的问题进行了讨论并交换了想法。

On Feb 21, 2017, a group of 6 delegates from Yulin municipal city government, Sha’anxi arrived Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for an official visit to study the local publishing industry and understand its retail market.The visit was hosted and arranged by ULearning Technology (International) Pte Ltd. 

Led by the Deputy Mayor of Yulin municipal government, the delegates visited major Asia retailer Popular Bookstore (www.popularworld.com) in Sunway Pyramid in Selangor. The Senior Managers of Popular Holdings extended a very warm welcome to the delegates and presented to the team on the publishing and distribution business environment. During the meeting, all parties exchanged ideas to understand the distribution channels in Asia and also discussion on Belt and Road strategy for Chinese content to overseas market.