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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 48 课时
学科分类 英语
适用专业 大学英语、英语
  • Unit 1 Sociology
    1. Unit Objective 去体验
    2. Preview the Unit 去体验
    3. Listening 1: The Psychology of First Impressions 去体验
    4. Listening 2: Book Review of Blink by Malcolm Gladwell 去体验
    5. Unit Video: Rosemary Haefner on Internet Mistakes 去体验
    6. Unit Assignment:Give a short talk
  • Unit 2 Nutritional Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: You Are What You Eat
    4. Listening 2: Food Tasters
    5. Unit Video: Body and Brain Fuel
    6. Unit Assignment: Conduct a class survey
  • Unit 3 Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Changing Expectations
    4. Listening 2: An Interview with Barbara Ehrenreich
    5. Unit Video: Recession Gives New Oppprtunity
    6. Unit Assignment: Take part in a group
  • Unit 4 Marketing
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the unit
    3. Unit Video: Innovative Marketing
    4. Listening 1: Advertising Techniques
    5. Listening 2: Advertising Ethics and Standards
    6. Unit Assignment: Take part in a group discussion
  • Unit 5 Behavioral Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the unit
    3. Listening 1 Write Your Own Success Story
    4. Listening 2 Science on the Edge
    5. Unit Video: Mt. Nyiragongo
    6. Unit Assignment: Give a short presentation
  • Unit 6 Philosophy
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the unit
    3. Unit Video: TOMS shoes
    4. Listening 1:Corporate Social Responsibility
    5. LIstening 2 Personal Responsibility
    6. Unit Assignment Take part in a group discussion
  • Unit 7 Economics
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Sudden Wealth
    4. Listening 2: Happiness Breeds Success ... and Money!
    5. Unit Video: Microloans Help Poor
    6. Unit Assignment: Take part in a group discussion
  • Unit 8 Behavioral Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video: Blind Drag Racer Has Message of Positive Thinking
    4. Listening 1: Chasing Your Dreams
    5. Listening 2: The Benefits of Failure
    6. Unit Assignment: Take part in a pair discussion



Unit 1 Sociology 
Q: Are first impressions accurate?
Note-taking Skill: Using notes to summarize a lecture
LISTENING 1: The Psychology of First Impressions
Listening Skill: Making inferences
LISTENING 2: Book Review of Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes
Grammar: Auxiliary verbs do, be, have
Pronunciation: Contractions with auxiliary verbs 
Speaking Skill: Taking conversational turns
Unit Assignment: Give a short talk

Unit 2 Nutritional Science 
Q: What’s more important: taste or nutrition?
LISTENING 1: You Are What You Eat 
Listening Skill: Listening for causes and effects
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on causes and effects
LISTENING 2: Food Tasters
Vocabulary Skill: Adjective-noun collocations
Grammar: Quantifiers with count/noncount nouns
Pronunciation: Links with /j/ and /w/
Speaking Skill: Giving advice
Unit Assignment: Conduct a class survey

Unit 3 Psychology 
Q: Is change good or bad?
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on advantages and disadvantages 
LISTENING 1: Changing Expectations
Listening Skill: Listening for time markers
LISTENING 2: An Interview with Barbara Ehrenreich
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: Tag questions
Pronunciation: Intonation in tag questions
Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving reasons
Unit Assignment: Take part in a group discussion

Unit 4 Marketing 
Q: How can advertisers change our behavior?
LISTENING 1: Advertising Techniques
Listening Skill: Identifying fact and opinion
LISTENING 2: Advertising Ethics and Standards
Vocabulary Skill: Context clues to identify meaning
Grammar: Modals expressing attitude
Pronunciation: Intonation in questions
Speaking Skill: Giving and supporting your opinions
Note-taking Skill: Using a mind map to note opinions
Unit Assignment: Take part in a group discussion

Unit 5 Behavioral Science 
Q: What risks are good to take?
Note-taking Skill: Separating risks and outcomes using a chart
LISTENING 1: Write Your Own Success Story
Listening Skill: Identifying amounts; cardinal and ordinal numbers
LISTENING 2: Science on the Edge
Vocabulary Skill: Word families
Grammar: Past perfect
Pronunciation: Contraction of had
Speaking Skill: Giving a short presentation
Unit Assignment: Give a short presentation

Unit 6 Philosophy 
Q: Are we responsible for the world we live in?
LISTENING 1: Corporate Social Responsibility 
Listening Skill: Inferring a speaker’s attitude
LISTENING 2: Personal Responsibility
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives as the objects of verbs
Pronunciation: Stress on important words
Speaking Skill: Leading a group discussion
Note-taking Skill: Building an outline to take notes on a discussion
Unit Assignment: Take part in a group discussion

Unit 7 Economics 
Q: Can money buy happiness?
LISTENING 1: Sudden Wealth
Listening Skill: Listening for signposts
LISTENING 2: Happiness Breeds Success … and Money!
Vocabulary Skill: Idioms
Grammar: Types of sentences 
Pronunciation: Intonation in different types of sentences
Speaking Skill: Agreeing and disagreeing
Note-taking Skill: Taking and organizing notes from a discussion
Unit Assignment: Take part in a group discussion

Unit 8 Behavioral Science 
Q: What can we learn from success and failure?
LISTENING 1: Chasing Your Dreams
Listening Skill: Listening for examples
LISTENING 2: The Benefits of Failure
Vocabulary Skill: Prefixes
Grammar: Simple past and present perfect
Pronunciation: Varying intonation to maintain interest 
Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving clarification
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes with examples
Unit Assignment: Take part in a pair discussion 




作者: 李霄翔、 褚天琦


出版社:北京大学出版社; ( 2018年08月01日 )

作者简介: 李霄翔,江苏省镇江市人,东南大学特聘教授,博士生导师。南京大学历史系博士。1982年2月毕业于南京工学院基础理论系英语专业,获文学学士学位。1982年3月始在南京工学院(1986年更名为东南大学)任教。主要担任大学英语、英语专业本科生和研究生教学工作。

教材特色: 北大社重点推荐教材 1.原版引进,语言地道,主题丰富 2.强化技能,综合培养,提高语言与思维能力 3.多元文化展示,培养跨文化意识 4.优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台







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